Make Connections
Good readers make connections between the text and their own lives, past experiences, and prior knowledge.
They draw parallels with:
Other books
To facilitate these connections, sentence starters can be helpful, such as:
"That reminds me of..."
"This made me think of..."
"I read another book that..."
"This is different from..."
"I remember when..."
Good readers create mental images while reading by using descriptions of settings, characters, and events.
They can start with phrases like:
"I can picture..."
"I can see the..."
Readers engage their other senses to enhance their mental imagery, using expressions like:
"I can taste/hear/smell the..."
"I can feel the..."
These techniques help clarify and enrich the pictures in their minds.
Ask Questions
Good readers ask questions before, during, and after reading to better understand the author and the meaning of the text.
Ask questions of the author, yourself, and the text:
What is the author trying to say?
What is the message of this piece?
Do I know something about this topic?
What lessons can I learn from this text?
How could this be explained to someone else?
What predictions do I have about this reading?
Making Inferences
Good readers can draw conclusions based on clues in the text and their background knowledge
Question stems to help make inference include:
What does the author imply when they say...?
How does this detail suggest...?
What evidence from the text supports your inference that...?
What might happen next based on...?
How does the character's actions reveal...?
What background knowledge helps you understand...?
Why do you think the author chose to include...?
What can we learn about the theme from...?
Determine Importance
Good readers look for things that help them identify big ideas and why they are important.
Look at text features for clues:
Titles and headings
Bold print
pictures and captions
graphs and charts
Try to summarize paragraphs. Important details affect the outcome of the text.
The big idea is...
So far I've learned...
The author is saying...
Good readers combine new information from their reading with existing knowledge in order to form new ideas or interpretations. Synthesis is creating a single understanding from a variety of sources.
Compare and contrast what has been read with what the reader knows
Think of new ways to use the information
Can connections be made across the text to help me create new generalizations or perspectives?